Handling Events¶
Scripts in our game engine can listen to a variety of events that are mostly direct wrappers of JavaScript events such as keyboard and pointer interactions. To listen to these events, scripts must register a callback function using the event system provided by the engine.
Registering Event Listeners¶
To register an event listener, scripts should include the listener registration within an initialization function and add a callback function. Here is how you can define and register event listeners:
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('eventname', function(e)
print('Event was triggered: ' .. e.type)
return MyEntity
Event Details¶
Below are the various events a script can listen to, along with the details of the parameters that each event object contains, and example usages structured correctly.
Pointer Events¶
Triggered when a pointer is pressed down over an element.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
x |
X-coordinate of the pointer |
y |
Y-coordinate of the pointer |
button |
Button pressed |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('pointerdown', function(event)
print("Pointer down at (" .. event.x .. ", " .. event.y .. ") with button " .. event.button)
return MyEntity
Triggered when a pointer is clicked over an element.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
x |
X-coordinate of the pointer |
y |
Y-coordinate of the pointer |
button |
Button clicked |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('pointerclick', function(event)
print("Pointer clicked at (" .. event.x .. ", " .. event.y .. ") with button " .. event.button)
return MyEntity
Triggered on a double click of a pointer over an element.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
x |
X-coordinate of the pointer |
y |
Y-coordinate of the pointer |
button |
Button double-clicked |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('pointerdoubleclick', function(event)
print("Pointer double-clicked at (" .. event.x .. ", " .. event.y .. ") with button " .. event.button)
return MyEntity
Triggered when a pointer is moved over an element.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
x |
X-coordinate of the pointer |
y |
Y-coordinate of the pointer |
movementX |
Movement on the x axis since last event |
movementY |
Movement on the y axis since last event |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('pointermove', function(event)
print("Pointer moved to (" .. event.x .. ", " .. event.y .. ")")
return MyEntity
Triggered when the mouse wheel is scrolled over an element.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
deltaX |
Horizontal scroll amount |
deltaY |
Vertical scroll amount |
deltaMode |
Unit of measurement for scroll |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('wheel', function(event)
print("Wheel scrolled with deltaX: " .. event.deltaX .. ", deltaY: " .. event.deltaY .. ", mode: " .. event.deltaMode)
return MyEntity
Triggered when a pointer is moved out of an element.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
x |
X-coordinate of the pointer |
y |
Y-coordinate of the pointer |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('pointerout', function(event)
print("Pointer moved out of element at (" .. event.x .. ", " .. event.y .. ")")
return MyEntity
Triggered when a pointer leaves the boundaries of an element.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
x |
X-coordinate of the pointer |
y |
Y-coordinate of the pointer |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('pointerleave', function(event)
print("Pointer left the element at (" .. event.x .. ", " .. event.y .. ")")
return MyEntity
Triggered when a pointer is released over an element.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
x |
X-coordinate of the pointer |
y |
Y-coordinate of the pointer |
button |
Button released |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('pointerup', function(event)
print("Pointer up at (" .. event.x .. ", " .. event.y .. ") with button " .. event.button)
return MyEntity
Keyboard Events¶
Triggered when a key is pressed down.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
altKey |
Whether the Alt key was pressed |
code |
Code of the key pressed |
ctrlKey |
Whether the Control key was pressed |
isComposing |
Whether the key is in composing mode |
key |
Character of the key pressed |
location |
Location of the key on the keyboard |
metaKey |
Whether the Meta key was pressed |
repeat |
Whether the key press is a repeat |
shiftKey |
Whether the Shift key was pressed |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('keydown', function(event)
print("Key " .. event.key .. " pressed with code " .. event.code)
return MyEntity
Triggered when a key is released.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
altKey |
Whether the Alt key was pressed |
code |
Code of the key pressed |
ctrlKey |
Whether the Control key was pressed |
isComposing |
Whether the key is in composing mode |
key |
Character of the key pressed |
location |
Location of the key on the keyboard |
metaKey |
Whether the Meta key was pressed |
repeat |
Whether the key press is a repeat |
shiftKey |
Whether the Shift key was pressed |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('keyup', function(event)
print("Key " .. event.key .. " released with code " .. event.code)
return MyEntity
Other Events¶
Triggered when a picking operation intersects with objects in the scene.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
intersections |
Details of the intersected objects |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local Tools = require 'engine/tools'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('pick', function(event)
print("Pick event with intersections: " .. Tools.dump(event.intersections))
return MyEntity
Triggered when a physics collision occurs.
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
data |
An array of objects with fields “object1” and “object2” which are IDs which can be used to retrieve the object |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local Tools = require 'engine/tools'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('physicsCollisions', function(event)
print("Collision detected between objects: " .. Tools.dump(event.data))
return MyEntity
Triggered when a variable of a variable set is changed
Field |
Description |
type |
Type of the event |
set |
Name of the changed variable set |
name |
Name of the variable |
value |
Its new value |
local Events = require 'engine/events'
local MyEntity = Class.new(Entity)
function MyEntity:init()
Events.on('variableChanged', function(e)
print("Variable was changed: " .. e.set .. "/" .. e.name .. " -> " .. e.value)
return MyEntity