The Editor


Editor interface after opening a new game project

Welcome to the editor! This is what you’ll see when you create and open a new game project. By default, the editor interface is organized into several key areas:

  • Renderview (center): The main workspace where you can visualize and interact with the scene, allowing you to directly manipulate objects and preview the environment.

  • Inspector (right): This panel shows the properties of the selected items, including scenegraph nodes. Here, you can modify attributes and settings specific to each element in the scene.

  • Asset View (left): This area lists all files in your project, making it easy to locate, organize, and manage assets.

  • Log (bottom): Displays system messages, errors, and warnings, providing real-time feedback as you work.

Additional components of the editor’s UI become visible as you explore more advanced features. Each of these elements is described in detail in the following sections.